Chinese International School

Country: Hong Kong

Address: 1 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, Hong Kong

Phone: (852) 2510 7288


Chinese International School is a private school founded in 1983. It is located in the eastern area of Hong Kong. The school wants their students to love learning and get inspired by knowledge. In addition to that, the school thinks it is important to develop,

  • Students’ independence
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Students potentials.

Currently there are 1500 more students enrolling in this school. Students age range from 4 to 18, that are divided into

  • Primary (age 4 to 11) 
  • Secondary school from age 11 to 18.

Although the main language for teaching is English, but there are courses taught in both Mandarin and English. When the students get to secondary level, they can pick to learn French or Spanish.

The education in Chinese International School is to get students ready to be responsible, passionate, and ethical by helping connect both local and world community.  Students are encouraged to respect all the differences, beliefs and to achieve success. The school inspires students to do their best, get the balance of academic and their extracurricular activities ,and develop their leadership.

Beside of all these characters, the school's mission is to connect, inspire and serve. This means the school not only teaches students to care for people around them, but also provide and maintain the support network they needed, for example the relationship between the school faculties with students,  parents with students. Students do not see them as superior but rather see them as partners. The schools teach them to appreciate help from people.

A special thing of Chinese International School is they care for their students but also care for the parents as well. While the students are received education in the school, their parents are encouraged to be in the program of CIS Parents Partnership.

This program allows parents to understand the school better and helps maintain a trustworthy relationship between the school and the parents. It advocates the respect from both the school and the parents. The school and parents need to cooperate to provide a safe and caring environment for the students, as their children. Both sides need to be communicated, help with positive aspects and bring concerns to the school if there is any. The school would be honest about student performance in school life, share, advice and offer supports to help students.

Achievement of Chinese International School is pretty impressive, for example, there are students from the school have participated in few International Mathematics Competitions in2012. Follow by students joined Raffles Invitational Mathematical Olympiad in 2014 and the South East Asian Mathematics Competition.