Delia School of Canada, Hong Kong

Country: Canada


Taikoo Shing Campus (Pre-grade 1 to grade 6), Secondary ( Grade 7 to 12)
Tai Fung Avenue, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

(852) 3658 0508 (Primary)
(852) 3658-0588 (Alternative)
(852) 3658 0338(Secondary)

Email: (Elementary) (Alternative program Grade 1 to 6) (Secondary)

Kowloon East Campus
19 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Phone: 3605 0300


Delia School of Canada is school found in 1986 for the Taikoo Shing campus and the second campus is located in Kwun Tong is opened in 2018. It is a private school that follows Ontario, Canada curriculum. The school has more than 1200 students from across 45 countries. Students earn a diploma as Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) after graduation. The main language used for teaching in the school is English.

The school has educational levels of the following:
  • Pre to grade 1 to 6 (Primary)
  • Grade 7-8 (Middle School)
  • Grade 9 to 12 (High School)
The school provides Canadian learning environment with values both academic and cultures from around the world. The school believes in world community and focus on students' success in the complicated world. The school focus on the education for students to become “the leader of tomorrow”.
Delia School of Canada, Hong Kong offers outstanding education that helps students to be positive and do their best to involve in the world community. It also wants to inspire their students to achieve exceptional, be the best version of who they are and dedicate to the world. The school's mission is to help students on different aspects, for example:
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Clever
The school believes being in the environment of multi-cultures and care are important for students. They would learn to be kind, sympathetic and value the differences of people. Students would be more successful with working together and be creative. The school thinks wellness, as having a great physical and mental health are important for students and their belongingness with the world.
Global citizenship what the school thinks students should understand and appreciate as it brings people together, to show trust, rightness, duty and be inclusive. The school values opportunities and diversity as they allow students to follow their passion to get abundant learning experiences and to explore their capacities. Diversity allows students to respect people of their differences and cultures.