Country: Hong Kong
Address: 50 Nam Fung Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2555 9313
South Island School was established in 1977, a school belongs to English Schools Foundation (ESF) and has 1,400 students on campus from 38 nationalities. The school offers programs of the following:
- International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
- IB Diploma
- IB Career program
In South Island School, students would learn skills that benefit for their life and personal growth. The school believes using different platforms and technology helps students learn. The school wants students to embrace their international aspects of what is around them and cherish themselves as one of the global citizens. It is important for students to accept diversity and for its sustainable futures. The school teaches students about internationalism and wants them to understand more of the world. Students would grow to be trustworthy, responsible and brave global citizen.
South Island School wants to make a difference in the world. The mission of the school encourages students to have the freedom of speech, to express who they are, and what they can in actions. The school believes students should be happy and curious to learn, be kind and loving to the community. The school believes in a growing mindset as the key to being successful. Students will go through challenges, face and overcome obstacles, make the effort to do the best, face critique and change to reach success ultimately.
Besides, extracurricular activities are important to students, although there are lots of activities students can join, but South Island School wants to provide students with different experiences as well. The school offers awesome activities for students to learn more of the world, for understanding global issues, develop multi-perspectives and appreciation multiculturalism, example activities are:
- United Nation
- TEDx
- MaD Service trip to countries (China, Thailand, The Philippines, and Laos)