Education choices are always difficult and challenging. Lots of families are thinking of education choices for their children. They consider the different curriculum of local schools and international schools. With the current Hong Kong situation, some parents consider to let their children go to the international school. As they think international schools have students from different cultural backgrounds that value the international mindset.
They think international school is more balanced, as they value students in all aspects, not as local schools that heavily weight on academic performance. It has a more diverse learning style that allows students to be knowledgeable and enjoy learning.
Besides, students are surrounded in an environment where they get to learn more languages as international schools usually are bilingual. In education, students get to focus on real-world issues, have the chance to discuss world topics, improve their skills, solve problems, and critical thinking. International schools focus more than just academic, it cares for students’ personal growth.
In the
past few months, some parents worried about the future for their children. They
ask info of study abroad, and international schools’ option in Hong Kong. They
want and hope to find the best options for their children.